Rose Arrington joined the Hampton Roads Ventures Board in August of 2012. Rose has been an advocate for improving her community for many years. This appointment provides her with another opportunity to fulfill her mission to champion economic self-sufficiency for socially and economically challenged families, particularly those in public housing.
She has served on the Board of Directors of several non-profit agencies, whose missions benefited economically and socially disadvantaged populations, including Community Housing Services, The Center for Community and Family Services, The He Ain’t Heavy Foundation and Northwest Manors Affordable Housing Development Corporation. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Legal Aid Society of Eastern Virginia. She has managed polling venues and coordinated voter registration events.
Rose is also an advocate for creating opportunities for grief counseling within the public housing community. She believes that grief counseling is a staple missing from these communities, particularly since these families experience tragedy, per capita, at a much higher rate than families in other communities. She knows first hand experiencing the tragic loss of both her teen-aged son, followed several years later by the tragic loss of her husband due to social and economic disadvantage. These tragedies have provided her with a passion and special insight that makes her a better champion for her cause. She is an advocate for Victims of Violent Crimes, Victims of Domestic Violence and Victims of Child Abuse.
Rose is a member of the First Baptist Church of Lamberts Point in Norfolk, Virginia.